Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Trust issues

Raise your hand if you have trust issues? Oh, I know I do! I have had them since childhood but it surely reared its ugly head in my adult years. I have had so much betrayal, heartache, and pain that it has made it more difficult to let people in and easier to release folks.  What I've learned this past year, though, is that I can't expect perfection from human beings.  That should be obvious, right? However, for me it wasn't until now. Now, there are people you just know that no matter what you do, say, or how many chances given, they will take advantage.  But, what about the ones that are genuine,  they made a mistake or mistakes, are apologetic and actually mean it? Do you cut them off too?

This year, that question has come up quite often. In my hastiness to not be hurt, I let go of relationships that I probably shouldn't have. Others, I have held on to for too long that it destroyed other great relationships I had. Hence, the trust issues.  That's why the spirit of discernment is so important. So I have asked God, to correct my wrongs and heal my wounds. I also asked God to send me the right people in my life. The main thing I ask God now, whether past, present, and future,  to be accepting of the ones who come, only because I know that God sent them. That's a difficult place to be when you have dealt with so much in your own time. 

So what about when you have been hurt so much that you intentionally or unintentionally hurt others? How do you own up to that mistake? Be honest, be real. I had to be transparent about my own actions throughout the years. There are things that could of been handled differently, if I considered the other person's feelings and not just my own. It's difficult to look at yourself in the mirror and own up to your own mistakes. However, it's your responsibility to do so. It makes no sense going around in life being mean and hurtful, intentionally, because of your own hurt. Eventually, no one will be willing to stick around. It isn't always a great thing to be alone. 

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